
Twenty years later, four Emmys, three books, and three babies.

No matter what it is you’re doing, wherever you’re doing it, take the baby steps. Steps add up to miles. Years from now you might look back and realize you’ve come pretty darn far.

“She has that way about her. If Molly has a keyword in life, it must be connect. In all the ways, across all the platforms, with all the people.

She’s the go-to speaker when non-profit and business leaders are looking for someone to get people pumped up or connected to their cause.”

It’s been a big month for Charlotte Parent contributor Molly Grantham.

The release of her third book, coincides with another big milestone: Grantham’s 20th anniversary at WBTV.


“She is holding it all together with a safety pin and will share with you the good, bad, ugly, and ridiculousness of her day.”


"Molly Grantham is Victorious: The news anchor talks about how life sometimes turns out differently than you imagined."


“Grantham weaves humor and charm into her stories so deftly, you almost miss the surprising message underneath.”


“Virtually no one knew this was coming. Instead of spending weeks or months hyping its release, Grantham stayed quiet about her project right up until revealing its existence.”


2020 Charlottean of The Year: “While she’s juggling, she continues to share experiences on social media with a humor and candor that makes working parents feel seen.”

Live on WBTV News: “I think a lot of parents—mostly women—are afraid to say they miss having something else.”

